This photo was sent to me by Brian Reiter. Brian, his wife Christie and their two children live with two Azawakh in DC. The brindled male lying beneath the puppy is Azelouan, (Qulood X Dari), who just turned one year old. The puppy is Tawzalt (Aslam X Semteende). Brian came to visit and pick up Tawzalt just two weeks ago. Looks like she has settled in quite comfortably with her new family. I will go into the interesting story of Azelouan and his littermates in another post...
Tawzalt is a trip. She has a bug 'tude and a lot of confidence. She's very cheerful but has an imperiousness about her. As you can see in the image she's looking at me with an expression that says, "What? I'm busy here. If you could just move along... Yeah. That'd be great. (Schmuck.)"
And by "bug", I mean "big". Ugh.
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