Over the past three days I have bred Batna (Idi Ilaman Elouret X Ultafa, bred by Brigitte Washington) to Kidal (Kaisoon X Imouyene). I was so pleased with the quality of her first litter (X Afalkou), al hamdullilah, but I would like a female puppy to carry forward her dam line.....so Insh'Allah Batna will be pregnant and there will be at least one female puppy. Uh...thanks for reminding me Brian in your comment that Kidal was sired by Fasiqqi and not by Kaisoon...apparently the coffee did not help! So Batna was bred to Kidal (Fasiqqi X Imouyene).
1 comment:
I was thinking that Kidal must be a litter mate of Aslam, but I found pictures of him on Azawakh.com and thought he looked a lot like more like Azenzer than Aslam to me. Turns out that the pawpeds database says he's out of Imouyene X Fassiqi.
Fassiqi is one of my faves.
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