
my Mom...

...Betty Earle Troup Moore, preparing to fix dinner. That's southern for 'we're all about to eat more than we should'. But it will have been worth it. My mom's a great cook. In the classic Southern tradition. Which means 'everything you eat will make you fat'. Al hamdullilah.


Alison said...

Your mom rocks... she is my want to be mom. I will never ever forget the 'he is eassssssy on the eyes" remark she made after you and I had a good friend visit from another country. She looks very stern in this picture. Where y'all eating too little or something?

azawakh place said...

Stern? No, she was embarassed that I wanted to take photographs of her...and we had not started dinner yet...lol...but well, she CAN be stern, with sugar on top.

Alison said...

I can hear her now "Oh Daviiiiiiiddddd, put that camera down. It is time to eat."

She is the ultimate steel magnolia.

Anonymous said...

HA hA..She looks stern but sweet .. like sugar on top like you said buddy. Man would I love to eat some of her cookin. I would not mind the extra fat for some of that.. dhandi

Anonymous said...

love it - so nice to see MOM MOORE again, such a sweet-heart
me too on the food - could we have corn-bread... something we don't really do here in Canada but love that Southern good cookin!
keep the pics comin... hey GET THAT JUDY GIRL in too so I can say HI
the good Canadian!

Danielle said...

I would love to have come to Betty's for dinner when I visited, but I fear that I confused her with my dietary needs... "I thought you said she was from Wisconsin!" Love her!