
Tylalt Idiiyat-es-Sahel...

...a new photo sent to me today by the owners (Skye Masson and her fiance' Josh Bauermester in Atlanta, GA) of Tylalt [Idi Ilaman Afelahlah X Tiwul]. I retained Tylalt's two sisters Raba and Tezerift as well as her brother Ataram for breeding, Insh'Allah. A brother, Igazan, was purchased by Casper Oswald in Berkeley, Ca. A third brother T'ezewek was purchased by my friend Andra Walters in Canada.

I think Tylalt is living a bit more comfortably than the aidi here! But then the dogs here are not seeing the photo...so....al hamdullilah. I like this photo very much...Tylalt looks mysterious...and comfortable! Al hamdullilah.

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