
how the world began...in Tamazight, French and English...

"deg taggit n umadal, ja tella yat n telghemt, qaren as Fakaru, u marra amadal iteddar s ughi ines, u qaren âawet belli qa nghint irgazen" (Alhassane ag Solimane, 1999 : 86).

"À la création du monde, il n’existait qu’une seule chamelle, appelée Fakaru, et le monde entier vivait de son lait. On dit aussi qu’elle a été tué par les hommes" (Alhassane ag
Solimane, 1999 : 86).

"When the world was created, there existed only one chamelle (she-camel), called Fakaru, and the whole world was sustained from her milk. It is also said that she was killed by man (the human race)" (Alhassane Ag Solimane, 1999: 86).

From www.mondeberbere.com

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