
I guess...

I should break it down a bit: Safoodah f, Ghazalah f and Akoubounou m have been placed. Shinsert f, Chenoua f, Tetseret f, Tawallammat f and (possibly) Soumana m are available.


Anonymous said...

please tell us what their names mean... there is so much in a name, or should I say, THERE SHOULD BE SO MUCH IN A NAME!
no dog should ever be labelled with some letters strung together - these proud creatures deserve their ancient and meaningful words and not silly names like Malone or what have you...LOL and keep laughing

azawakh place said...

haha...you might be alone in wondering about this! Tawallamat and Shinsert are dialects of Tamasheq, Akoubounou is a village in Niger, Soumana is the name of the man in Africa who leased out his hut to me! Chenoua I used just to remind me of Chenna, Safoodah comes from an ancient Egyptian root SFD which meand 'to touch' and Ghazalah of course one of the words in Arabic for gazelle, and Tetseret another dialect of Tamasheq/Amazigh.